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As you may know, Tracey and I have never met face to face.  We began our friendship through Capture Your 365, an online photography group that encourages and supports its members who make taking a photo of their life every day a priority.  Though we are both still very much a part of that community, over the almost five years that we have known one another, our friendship has grown beyond it to a deeper friendship.  That friendship is what birthed this blog.

Here is a little about our beginnings.

Last year as part of the Capture Your 365 Birthday Bash, an all-day celebration of photography and community, Tracey and I co-authored a presentation on food photography.  It is that time of year again.  Tomorrow we are presenting a program entitled ?BACK TO YOU: Keeping it Real, Embracing Our Lives in a Photo A Day.  Because we have been busy this week finalizing our slide presentation as well as keeping up with daily “stuff,” we have not baked this week.  It’s been take out and frozen meals at our houses for the last few days.  Lol.

Rather than go missing for a week, we thought you might be interested in our slide presentation from last year on food photography.  You’ll get the basic information from our talk minus our charming personalities. 🙂


If you have questions about anything in the slides, we’ll be happy to answer them.  Leave your question in the comments section below.

Capture Your 365 is a membership community, though the membership cost is only $59.  And, well worth every penny.  To hear our presentation tomorrow, you’ll need to become a member of the community.  It’s not too late to join!  Hop on over to:


Tomorrow’s Birthday Bash is eight hours of online photography information and fun!

We’d love for you to join us!

Tracey and Kris