

It seems that it’s that time of year again, for both Kris and I actually, where breathing seems to feel like it has a deadline. Well, it kind of does, but that’s another thing entirely.

It’s the point where you start to resent anything, and I mean anything that remotely feels like there’s a specific time it has to be done. We were chatting about our food post and got discussing the whole “deadline” thing. Normally I work well with one – for some reason they help me manage my time (or mismanage it as well). But I know I’ve reached the point where I’m now feeling rebellious.

Dinner has a deadline. Getting Harry up, dressed, fed and driven school all have their own little deadlines. Picking him up from the bus stop. Paying the bills. It’s really feeling like all the “have-to’s” are overtaking the “want-to’s” and my brain is on overload.

When this happens, I get into ruts. I can’t think of a darn thing to make for dinner. At all. Looking for new recipes feels like a “have-to”, instead of a fun “want-to”. It manages to touch everything I do. Even some of my “want-to’s” start to feel like they’ve gone to the Dark Side of “have-to’s”!

It tends to make me feel like a toddler who’s going to sit in her chair, cross her arms, make the sassy face and just say NO – to everything I don’t even remotely feel like doing. Nope. Not gonna do it. I’m going to sit here, in my chair, drink coffee and maybe read or work on my knitting. That’s it. Speak to me at your own risk – and risk my wrath if you ask me for something that has a specific time frame!

And in all honestly, I think that exact thing can be the cure for these kinds of feelings. A day to do ONLY what you want to – everything else can wait. I come first. If I’m not happy it taints everything I try to do, plagues them with mistakes, mishaps and the like.

So maybe my inner toddler DOES know what’s best for me sometimes!!!